Think differently about wealth
By Melvin J. Howard
News of doom and gloom are everywhere its being broadcast 24 hours a day printed every day in newsprint. The economy, The war, Who is saying what about whom in the US presidential election. This has got a lot of people globally worried about their futures this is setting off a chain reaction of catastrophic proportions. If the current thinking of doom and gloom is not curtailed and stopped forthwith it will become a reality. So I want to address foremost what is on everybody’s mind MONEY !
Money it is the physical representation of value that rises and falls in ourselves. Not within ‘things’ outside of us, but within us. For without people, what can the value of a thing, such as a car or art be to us nothing, at least not to us. In other words, it is us the observers, that place value in things, but this value is really value in us. We give value to the material things. The material things have no ‘money’ value in themselves we give that to them. So, money is the external physical representation of a particular section of our internal value, within us. As we all know today that house and block of shares you bought and valued at $1 million dollars. Can fall to a valuation of half a million dollars tomorrow when fear is introduced into the hearts of those involved. The fear kills a portion of the internal values of the participants and that is reflected by money, the ‘body’ of value. This is what’s happening today you cannot pick up a newspaper or watch a 24 hour newscast without fear running rampant. The only reason our system does not collapse is that we all believe in it. The last time people stopped believing in it in a large enough extent was just before the Great Depression when large numbers of people rushed to their banks to withdraw their money and found that they could not all get it.
This is not what caused the Great Depression, but in a large way accelerated it. So look, instead, at the value within yourself and within people, and the flowing and exchanging of ideas this is true value between people. Our internal value, is what creates money. Money is the shadow of your internal value. Develop this internal value in yourself and in others and your external money and wealth will correspondingly rise automatically put it to the test see what happens. Before I go on I want to make something very clear. Money represents an aspect of a person’s internal value, but that does not mean that it represents a person’s entire internal value. It is not about self-worth. Money only represents an aspect of that internal value that pertains to wealth. You cannot therefore say that a wealthy person has a higher self-worth and value than a poor person, but you can correctly say that in matters that relate and pertain to money, the wealthy person has a higher internal value in that aspect of value or that the person chooses to exercise a higher proportion of their internal value. The section of internal value that I am talking about reflects on the outside as money. Or what I like to call Quantumnomics when exercised you become wealth consciousness. It is available to everybody equally and can be developed. It’s your choice you can choose to develop it or not. At any time, you can change your choice, and nothing outside of you can stop you. None of the extremely wealthy people today could have, at the time when they were not wealthy, possibly predicted and planned the exact sequence of events that would lead to their immense wealth. They most probably had a set of goals and a plan, but any one of them will tell you that they met countless ‘coincidences’ and opportunities that ‘joined the dots’ for them in ways they could never have predicted. Their goals were their own doing, but the paths that led to them coming into being, and exceeding them were yet unforeseen. Quantum Physics begins to explain how everything in your world comes to be. You are a direct manipulation of your entire physical world, but you may not be aware of this fact. And your lack of awareness of this fact of how the physical matter comes about and your role in it, makes your life appear to you as an occurrence that is out of your control. It may appear to you as if you are the victim of circumstances, while all along you are the cause of those circumstances, including your experiencing of wealth or lack of it.
Lets get into a little bit of science here what is your body made of? Tissues and organs. What are tissues and organs made of? Cells. What are cells made of? Molecules. What are molecules made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? Sub-atomic particles. What are subatomic particles made of? Energy? No. They are not made of energy; they are energy. You are one big ‘chunk’ of energy. And so is everything else. Spirit and Mind puts together this energy into the physical shape you see everyday. Einstein and other quantum scientists have proven that all physical matter is made up of energy packets that are not bound by space and time. This energy field has no well-defined boundaries. The universe is literally your extended timeless and unbound body. Science has also proven that the mind has no boundaries. You are bigger and more powerful than you think you are. So get out of the negativity trap you are creating it! I am sure you heard the saying you know such and such is draining all my energy. Or my marriage, my relationship, my job, my kids, my boss is draining me. Because scientifically and physically that is exactly what it is happening your energy is being sapped right out of you. So if this is happening in your life now get a hold of your thoughts. Have you ever had people in your life that seem to be victims and blame everything outside of themselves on somebody else or something else. If those people are in your life run! Until they themselves realize they are causing a lot of there own problems they will become yours. When is the right time to make this change now time is illusion. The only time that truly exist in now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent - Albert Einstein
The present moment is the greatest gift you can have. It is perfectly created for you according to your stated designs. You state these designs by your thoughts, words, and actions that you held most true to yourself earlier in your life. The present is something that you send yourself, a perfectly present moment. It allows you to experience, taste, review, and change your past thoughts, states of being, words and actions. Be grateful for the present, for you know you can change it, for it allows you to experience your Self, for its entire existence is to serve you. Cursing, condemning and judging the present moment will only keep it as it is longer. What you resist, judge, and condemn persists. What you embrace and bring to the light for non-judgmental, honest and clear examination reveals the lessons you are looking for, the key to the next level that you seek. So every once and awhile when your reading the newspaper turn to the funny section. Turn off the TV they will still be talking about subprime mortgages and the credit crisis and lets not forget what Brittany Spears is doing now. Spend some time with your kids if they are little you want get any work done anyway. You parents out there with little ones know what I mean. If you have teenagers go hang out with them for a little while. You will find out you are not hip anymore one thing I advise before going into their world don’t try to dance in front of their friends or you’ll find yourself with funny stares! The point is distress re=energize smell the roses then come back with new thoughts of wealth.
Lets get into a little bit of science here what is your body made of? Tissues and organs. What are tissues and organs made of? Cells. What are cells made of? Molecules. What are molecules made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? Sub-atomic particles. What are subatomic particles made of? Energy? No. They are not made of energy; they are energy. You are one big ‘chunk’ of energy. And so is everything else. Spirit and Mind puts together this energy into the physical shape you see everyday. Einstein and other quantum scientists have proven that all physical matter is made up of energy packets that are not bound by space and time. This energy field has no well-defined boundaries. The universe is literally your extended timeless and unbound body. Science has also proven that the mind has no boundaries. You are bigger and more powerful than you think you are. So get out of the negativity trap you are creating it! I am sure you heard the saying you know such and such is draining all my energy. Or my marriage, my relationship, my job, my kids, my boss is draining me. Because scientifically and physically that is exactly what it is happening your energy is being sapped right out of you. So if this is happening in your life now get a hold of your thoughts. Have you ever had people in your life that seem to be victims and blame everything outside of themselves on somebody else or something else. If those people are in your life run! Until they themselves realize they are causing a lot of there own problems they will become yours. When is the right time to make this change now time is illusion. The only time that truly exist in now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent - Albert Einstein
The present moment is the greatest gift you can have. It is perfectly created for you according to your stated designs. You state these designs by your thoughts, words, and actions that you held most true to yourself earlier in your life. The present is something that you send yourself, a perfectly present moment. It allows you to experience, taste, review, and change your past thoughts, states of being, words and actions. Be grateful for the present, for you know you can change it, for it allows you to experience your Self, for its entire existence is to serve you. Cursing, condemning and judging the present moment will only keep it as it is longer. What you resist, judge, and condemn persists. What you embrace and bring to the light for non-judgmental, honest and clear examination reveals the lessons you are looking for, the key to the next level that you seek. So every once and awhile when your reading the newspaper turn to the funny section. Turn off the TV they will still be talking about subprime mortgages and the credit crisis and lets not forget what Brittany Spears is doing now. Spend some time with your kids if they are little you want get any work done anyway. You parents out there with little ones know what I mean. If you have teenagers go hang out with them for a little while. You will find out you are not hip anymore one thing I advise before going into their world don’t try to dance in front of their friends or you’ll find yourself with funny stares! The point is distress re=energize smell the roses then come back with new thoughts of wealth.