By Melvin J. HowardFor estates worth $10 million to $200 million.
Give your estate away Twice 100% to heirs—100% to charity.Your estate will be worth 50% more after estate taxes.This way your estate will be worth over 200% after death and estate taxes.
No estate planning can do this only life insurance can:
1. Eliminate all estate taxes
2. Create your own charitable foundation
3. Create trustee income in perpetuity for your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren
4. Create the most money for your heirs and favorite charities
The best estate planning is to leave the most money to your heirs and favorite Charities. The best way to leave the most money is to buy the most life insurance. I have always viewed life insurance as an asset—a commodity, a method of financial diversification. I don’t see life insurance like a lot of other people do as a form of protection. It is a asset. It will always be worth whatever you buy while stocks, real estate or other investments may be up or down at your death.
I realized if insurance is so good that it can protect your family or pay your estate taxes as all the life insurance companies say—why would you limit its use when you also can use it to double your assets as an investment alternative? You can use it to optimize and maximize any estate. I found the leverage in the combination of techniques using this product in mathematical ways rarely used before. “The simple mathematics of life insurance show the power of life insurance”.
All plans can be used for your favorite individual charity, your own charitable foundation or any combination thereof!
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